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Granius LTD

Product IT company


The SNAIL mobile application is a modern digital assistant for operators of the European road freight transport market, with a volume of more than 6 million vehicles. The application unites drivers of trucks and cars in a social network, the participants of which independently carry out the information content of the navigator map, and also have the possibility of direct contacts with each other, if necessary, to seek help, through the application component - messenger, or through voice communication through the application. Also, the application greatly simplifies the driver's professional activities in the field of compliance with legal requirements and communication with the transport company.

Сільська дорога


Combining the most necessary functions for a truck driver (navigation, tachograph, instant messenger, voice communication, workflow, walkie-talkie) in one application increases the functionality and productivity of his activity. 
   - The "Navigator" component builds a route for the cargo, taking into account the requirements of TAKHO, the features and congestion of highways and, most importantly, is interconnected with the logistics of places for loading and unloading cargo;
   - The "Tahoe" component monitors compliance with all legal requirements for the driver's work schedule, monitors and records all stages of the driver's working day;
   - The "Work" component is a business organizer that helps the driver to strictly adhere to all stages of the execution of a particular task, allows the transport company to control the position of the car on the map and the current stage of work, the features of the car's movement, to carry out document flow between the driver, logistician and customer;
   - The "Messenger" component allows SNAIL users to communicate with each other, regardless of their specialization, drivers, customers or transport company.

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Misiaouli & Kavazoglou, 41,  Floor 2, Flat/Office 201B,  3016, Limassol, Cyprus

Tel: +35799930453

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